Well it`s a cold start to 2025, as expected for January of course, but it was disappointing that New Year`s Day was quite miserable weather-wise. However, on January 2nd the conditions were much better, and some time put in on the North Gower finally paid off when, after many nippy days on previous occasions being patient, a male Marsh Harrier came to within 30/40 metres of me! Quite a memorable experience.
On previous occasions, something has happened on a rare moment of close approach, such as just "committing" yourself to making a hot drink or having a bite to eat, just as those seconds of opportunity catch you out.
My `target` bird for that day, a male Hen Harrier, was nowhere to be seen, however I did see one with other WWT staff & vols yesterday morning during a sunrise/high tide Bird ID morning overlooking the saltmarsh at WWT Llanelli (the other side of the Burry inlet). A frosty marsh became side-lit in soft pink, and the Harrier (first spotted by staff member Andrew) flew across in the mid distance before dropping down near the butts closer to the estuary.
I didn`t have my camera, taking my bins only so I can help people, but that`s my first sighting this winter. Hoping next week to try a find one again when the more stable weather comes in.
The New Years resolutions, most of which are carried forward from 2024, 2023, etc, have been put together `in hope` yet again, but I MUST get back to painting!!! Lots of intended photo projects amongst other things, but as i`ve often said, available free time is the biggest issue. We`ll see how I get on.
Today is Saturday 4th January, and a forecast of bad weather / snow risk later today has meant that i`ve decided to shelve my initial decision of being further afield, so I will popping to my local marsh and estuary when it`s light later (it`s still early morning as I type).
Whatever you are doing, stay safe this weekend and in the week ahead.
Off to get another mug of tea in now.