Saturday, 31 December 2022

Starting to make that 2023 list

Just putting together a list of projects and things to cover during the coming year in my `Remember the Milk` app. There were a whole load of projects this last year that I couldn`t get around to, and most of those brought-forward from previous years, but hopefully some interesting things ahead.

To start the new year, I will be volunteering / assisting with the annual `tick and twitch` event at WWT Llanelli on 1st January. This is pitched at those keen birders who like to try and see, and record, as many species as possible on the first day of the year. Many people enjoy clocking up their `ticks` on various lists, which can involve going around the country, subscribing to rare bird alerts, etc  - all something that is not really for me. I much prefer to spend time quietly on things, and keen on carrying out specific projects.

As usual, I have an ever-growing photography list that - time permitting - I will try and actually achieve this year. There`s also the wish list of equipment, now becoming very much a wish list only, but one can live in hope!

Whatever happened to my painting?:

I haven`t done ANY art now, either watercolour painting or charcoal life drawing, for 10 years! It was something I was going to restart a couple of years ago, when there was a lockdown break. New watercolour paints were bought to replace the old clogged ones, but time and space has been a major problem, so it`s on the list again for 2023. 
The chances of me getting up to any kind of standard are a bit non-existent, but hopefully i`ll be able to give it go some time. Gone are the days of those occasional exhibitions!

Hoping too to do some casual photography project work with a wildlife tours company and a falconry, and one or two other things possibly in the pipeline, so fingers crossed that things work out. 

I hope more than anything that the world in 2023 is a more peaceful place than it`s been in 2022. Let`s play our small part in doing what we can to make it so.

So while I compile that ever-increasing list for the coming year, may I wish you all a very happy, healthy, and peaceful 2023. 

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Restarting the blog again ,,,

 (........  well that`s the plan anyway!)

I`m not very good at keeping blogs and diaries up to date, but i`ll give it a go as, sadly, I closed my website in September 2022.

I`ve taken off ALL the previous posts I had on the blog from a while back, so it looks like i`m starting afresh. 

The year has been interesting photography wise, although time has been limited for some projects I planned to do.  From recently standing for hours in the bitter cold to when I was in bag hide during the summer heatwave, when it was 38c outside and what must have been way over 40c inside the hide. The things you do .....

On facebook recently, I posted a random image from each month from January to December, a kind of overview of some projects, with a little bit of explanation here and there. Without repeating myself here, the facebook posts give a picture of just some of the things I was up to.

So here goes, on the brink 2023, a new attempt to do some diary type blog entries. I wonder how long it will last???!!!!