Thursday, 29 June 2023


 Yesterday we lost a truly humble, gracious and loving Father, whose example is a benchmark that I would do my best to try and achieve.

I`m no good with words at times like these, but I just want to say "thanks Dad" for everything you have done, and the example you have set to so many people. You never sought the limelight in anything, instead always quietly being supportive and kind to so many people.

Thank you to ALL the staff at Pembroke House, Gillingham for looking after and caring for Dad so well.  

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Young male Kingfisher returns


A check-in from one of the juvenile Kingfisher fledged early in mid May earlier this week, after a concerning time that they might not have made the last few weeks.

Hope the parents remain undisturbed, and this young male (encroaching back on their territory) doesn`t push his luck too far.

(undisclosed location)

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Heading back to Skomer


Photography time has been very limited over the last few months, but looking forward to my second visit to Skomer Island next week. Sounds a bit extravagant after having had a visit a few weeks ago (that was an `extra treat`, as life`s a bit too short), so - weather permitting - it will be concentrating on Puffins this time. However, if a Shortie is spotted, I could get distracted to the North valley again.

During the little time i`ve had, i`ve been working on a project for the WWT, and also have had some experiments with AI. Perhaps a bit more info disclosed on that at a later time.

I haven`t designed those new cards yet, but will get a move on soon as i`ll need them for early July! Watch this space.

Saturday, 3 June 2023

A mixed week!!!


It was good to be back with the falconry this week for their Customer Experience, although the fabulous weather was (and is) a nightmare for photography. Bright sun, harsh shadows, and other exposure issues. It went well though.

On Thursday, `time stood still` when I saw my phone fall into some inaccessible and deepish water, hearing that fateful `plop` when it went in. Utter disbelief followed, this being only four weeks after having to buy a new laptop! 

Fast forward to Saturday morning, and i`m still trying to find contact numbers for people who  i`ve known for years. Apologies too to a couple of people whose numbers I had on the phone who were expecting me to get back to them by now! Sorry!

Hoping next week goes better.