Saturday, 25 May 2024

Skomer 2024


Well with a dodgy advance forecast, and nippy start to the actual day, it turned out just fine for this year`s venture on to Skomer Island.

45,000+ Puffin are on the island this year, along with an estimated 250,000 Shearwater, plus all the supporting cast. The island didn`t disappoint, and after last year`s washout it was good to get some shots in this year.

The 87 steps are hard work these days, tough on the lungs going up, and even harder on the knees coming down!! However, the sailing is a lot smoother compared to the thrill of hanging on tight in the days of the `Dale Princess`.

I could have stayed on there a lot longer, so here`s to next year .....

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Off to Skomer


Looking forward to visiting Skomer Island off Pembrokeshire the coastline again next week. 

An annual `pilgrimage`, it`s always great to be there, but all the better if the weather and sea-state remains kind.

Skomer is home to 40K + Puffins, along with Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Peregrine and Short Eared Owl. I`ve been there in baking heat, blustery winds, and (worst of all) driving horizontal rain and spray. Hopefully we`ll get a bit of decent high pressure and calm conditions. Well, I can but hope ......

Watch this blog for some follow up info.

Monday, 13 May 2024

Missed the big Northern Lights show!

 On the late evening of Friday 10th May into the early hours of Saturday 11th May, the UK saw one of the biggest Northern Lights showings for decades. You had to be in the right place of course, and it just didn`t happen for me. 

There were many stunning images from across Wales, making me kick myself all the more, but full credit to all those who nailed it.

With the "red aurora alert" still continuing throughout Saturday, I headed off to Rhossili on the Gower coast, sandwiches and flask ready for a long night. However, as the night wore on, the alert level  dipped from red to amber to yellow, but then increased again. Looked semi-hopeful, although there was increasing cloud from the West before sunset.

The hours passed, and it was very hard to see anything of the Northern Lights. With the moon still up too, it took some time - closer to midnight - before there was any slight hint of purples to the naked eye.

With the bay bathed in moonlight, and by altering camera settings to try to pick up any aurora, I just managed to pick up the purples in the sky (although this is facing more or less West instead of North). This was nowhere near the standards that I was after and hoping for, and nowhere near the standards of images I saw from yesterday.

Looking North from the cliffs in the direction of Burry Holmes island and Llanelli beyond, there were more mauves and purples barely visible to the naked eye. 

All a bit disappointing, but let`s hope there`s more to come fairly soon.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Dawn Chorus walk


A good group on the Dawn Chorus walk at WWT this morning. The weather was unusually kind to us for once, with some good light too.
Thank you to all those who booked themselves on it and supported the event, and making the effort to be up early.

Back to some more traditional Welsh weather this afternoon - ie damp.

Day two tomorrow.

Friday, 3 May 2024

Thank you everyone


The push-up challenge is over, and i`d just like to say one final THANKYOU to everyone that has donated.

£800 has been raised, plus an additional £181.25 in gift aid

With 100s, maybe 1000s taking part, let`s hope that Cancer Research UK has been well-funded from this charity challenge.

I know that Dad would have been thanking you too, always the gentleman despite his pain.

Thank you so much.