Sunday, 24 September 2023

Back at Ginst


With the Falconry photography cancelled this week due to the weather, and other days trying to do some dreaded gloss-painting at home, it was good to get back to Ginst to check out the area again in preparation for winter.

It was a quiet day bird wise, but a good opportunity to suss out some new areas to watch, where some particular natural shelter might be for different wind directions. Might sound a little geeky, but i`ve often found that if there`s a chance to plan it ends up worthwhile further down the line.

As we`re now well into the autumnal changes, it`s a time that `anything can happen`, and coastal marshes and rough land well worth checking out regularly.

I`ll be trying to watch my local estuary and marsh more often if I can, loose horses and dogs permitting. 😟 

It won`t be long now before the geese and waders build up, winter wildfowl like Wigeon arrive en-masse, and winter raptors come down from the hills. Normally, once there have been the first frosts you may start seeing Hen Harrier or Merlin on the coastal marshes. All you really need are decent days weatherwise, with a good bit of light and a smidging of luck to be on your side.