Saturday, 9 December 2023

a spluttery week


recent Short Eared Owl

It`s been a bit of a strange week, as i`ve been full of an almost covid-like heavy cold since last weekend, losing my taste, hearing (what`s left of it), breathing (I went `amber` on my asthma readings), and just about everything else. Tested `negative`for covid twice, but it`s been a bit of a week "treading water" and just plodding on.

Last Monday I attended the WWT roadshow for us volunteers on their new strategy to 2030, with new branding strap lines, etc. The lure of cake kept me going, and the spluttering and coughing input I contributed at Q & A time probably mystified the Board who were down from Slimbridge. At least I made it, lasted until the afternoon, then collapsed in a chair when I got home! That set the tone for the rest of the week. 

Wrapped up in four or five layers, I did somehow manage to do a bit of photography on Tuesday, but that was me finished with the camera out in great outdoors for the week. 

So today, Saturday 9th, i`ve unusually been indoors all day, and looking through some recent shots from the last few weeks. I`ve also been looking back on other things too, including last year`s `New Years resolutions`, and found that i`ve not only not achieved them, but also not started them! So they`re going to be carried forward to 2024, and then a number of other things added on top.

Next Saturday is another Walk with the Warden day, and fingers-crossed i`ll be back at WWT for that. It`s only just over two weeks until Christmas, so next Saturday will be a bit of fresh air and exercise away from the succession of mince pies. In the meantime there are Advent activities and services, one or two personal appointments to attend (podiatry here I come), and number of other things in my diary that I hope my fuzzy and currently-blocked head can deal with. 

Looking forward to meeting everyone brave enough for the wander next week, and who knows what winter birds might be around? In the meantime, it`s back to the Vick, Halls cough sweets, Olbas oil and other remedies that will permeate through the house that I can`t begin to smell.

Stay safe.