Sunday, 2 March 2025

Another year notched up


This last week it was my birthday, something I don`t make a song and dance about (and I often forget it`s coming up anyway), but can`t quite believe how the years are shooting by. What is difficult to take on board is that all my old school mates, who I last saw when I was 17, are now obviously all the same age as me too. Some of those now have grandchildren. Where did the time go?

It`s important to use time wisely, and that`s one thing i`ve always tried to do, going back to the days of my main employment, and when I was self-employed too. Even these days, with various personal responsibilities I have, I try and time-manage my full week, squeezing in time `for myself` if I can. 

With "notching-up" another year this last week, it`s made me feel grateful for what I have compared to so many in the world, particularly remembering all those in Ukraine. I have absolute admiration for President Zelensky, who has always shown tremendous leadership, but who had to endure the thuggery of Trump and his side-kick Vance this last week. With the Russians grinning from ear to ear, Trump and Musk already destroying democracy in the US, we are now in different are far more dangerous times. I am grateful for my family, friends, all those in my church and at WWT, my "second home" when I can get there, and all those I meet. Grateful too for this soggy-old but beautiful country we also call home.

I might be beginning to feel my age a bit, but while the joints are still working i`ll be out and about when I can, balancing a bit of time to allow for my volunteering too. Speaking of which, come June i`ll have been a volunteer for 20 years (another "where did the time go?" moment), but i`m just so grateful for that opportunity too.

So onward and upward into another birthday-year. I still have all those untouched New Year resolutions from the last few years, the plan to "definitely get back to art" promise yet to be started, a number of photography projects to take forward, plus some responsibilities for fund-raising to take forward. Just need bags of time.

Speak soon.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Walks coming up


Tomorrow, Saturday 15th February 2025, i`ll be involved with another `Walk with a Warden` at WWT Llanelli, Penclacwydd. 

If anyone wishes to come along, we meet inside the Centre in the reception area at 11.30am, and go out for about an hour and a half. Come prepared for the weather, with good footwear, ie boots!. (Admission charges or membership card entry applies).

Very soon the annual Dawn Chorus walks should be confirmed. This is a popular and well attended event, and for the second year running we are hoping to do this over two consecutive days. 

Details should be published on the WWT Llanelli website and facebook page very soon.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

LEAVING `X` (fly Twitter)


Many of you know that I have always had a love/hate relationship with social media, and a couple of times thought about leaving facebook behind. However, i`ve stuck with it so far and intend to do so for the foreseeable future.

Prior to facebook I was already using my Twitter account frequently, and yes it did reach a decent audience. Through the use of twitter I made some great new contacts too, but since the change to X, and the massive upheaval to the way it is run, the audience has declined considerably, and there has been a significant increase in unwanted Musk and Trump propaganda.

I`ve always tried to keep out of politics, everyone is entitled to their own views, but sometimes you have to speak out or at least do something to say when things are wrong. It`s along those lies that I feel I can no longer use or support "X", owned by the richest and currently one of the most influential people in the world, who, along with Donald Trump, are marginalising some of the poorest and most vulnerable in society. 

What we are seeing is a true horror story in the making, and although this is not a platform for my feelings, I would be wrong to continue to support Musks` X business empire, which is making him even richer when the poor are getting poorer.

I haven`t deleted my twitter account yet, but I will no longer be posting on it. 

Thank you to all those twitter followers, most of which probably don`t know I exist anymore anyway!

For those that have my twitter (X) link on the back of my last business card, please use the facebook or other links to contact me in the future. 

Thank you.

PS: I`ve no intention of being `trolled` (i`ve been "stalked" and trolled in the past!), so i`ve limited my very strong views. 

Friday, 17 January 2025


`Walk with the Warden:

Tomorrow, Saturday 18th January, it`s another Walk with the Warden at WWT Llanelli, and it looks like the weather should be okay.

Come and join us at 11.30am inside the Centre at the Reception area. The gentle amble around the Reserve will take approximately 90 mins. Wear suitable clothing and footwear.


Morning High Tide Watch:

Thank you to all those who attended the Photo Club high tide watch earlier this morning.
Amongst the `cast` on the saltmarsh were 76 (+) Curlew and 18 Greenshank, plus Kingfisher, Spoonbill, Sparrowhawk, Dunlin, and other regulars. 

Unfortunately no male Hen Harrier while we were there 

Thanks again.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Remembering Oreo one year on


It was 12 months ago on 14th January that Oreo passed away.

Oreo was very much a silent `observer of life`, shunning toys in order to watch the washing being put out, what`s going on on the computer, or what might be coming out of the oven. He did however like to lie upside down in the sun, gripping a tennis ball over his head, taking life in his stride. 

He became my shadow, quietly taking in whatever I was doing in, around or outside the house. If I was talking up the road to a neighbour, a minute or two later Oreo would be at my feet. One evening, when we were all spending time at a neighbours house, we opened the front door to leave and found Oreo had been waiting all evening on their front doormat for us.

We later adopted Toffee, who was just slightly more `active` than Oreo and became the local Ninja, but she was so lovable too. 

In October, Toffee tragically came home with some injuries to her tail and pelvis that meant Toffee too was to leave us, but this time through a very difficult decision I had to make.

Both Oreo and Toffee are greatly missed by us all.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Another year begins


Well it`s a cold start to 2025, as expected for January of course, but it was disappointing that New Year`s Day was quite miserable weather-wise. However, on January 2nd the conditions were much better, and some time put in on the North Gower finally paid off when, after many nippy days on previous occasions being patient, a male Marsh Harrier came to within 30/40 metres of me! Quite a memorable experience.

On previous occasions, something has happened on a rare moment of close approach, such as just "committing" yourself to making a hot drink or having a bite to eat, just as those seconds of opportunity catch you out. 

My `target` bird for that day, a male Hen Harrier, was nowhere to be seen, however I did see one with other WWT staff & vols yesterday morning during a sunrise/high tide Bird ID morning overlooking the saltmarsh at WWT Llanelli (the other side of the Burry inlet). A frosty marsh became side-lit in soft pink, and the Harrier (first spotted by staff member Andrew) flew across in the mid distance before dropping down near the butts closer to the estuary. 

I didn`t have my camera, taking my bins only so I can help people, but that`s my first sighting this winter. Hoping next week to try a find one again when the more stable weather comes in.

The New Years resolutions, most of which are carried forward from 2024, 2023, etc, have been put together `in hope` yet again, but I MUST get back to painting!!! Lots of intended photo projects amongst other things, but as i`ve often said, available free time is the biggest issue. We`ll see how I get on.

Today is Saturday 4th January, and a forecast of bad weather / snow risk later today has meant that i`ve decided to shelve my initial decision of being further afield, so I will popping to my local marsh and estuary when it`s light later (it`s still early morning as I type).

Whatever you are doing, stay safe this weekend and in the week ahead.

Off to get another mug of tea in now.