Sunday, 2 March 2025

Another year notched up


This last week it was my birthday, something I don`t make a song and dance about (and I often forget it`s coming up anyway), but can`t quite believe how the years are shooting by. What is difficult to take on board is that all my old school mates, who I last saw when I was 17, are now obviously all the same age as me too. Some of those now have grandchildren. Where did the time go?

It`s important to use time wisely, and that`s one thing i`ve always tried to do, going back to the days of my main employment, and when I was self-employed too. Even these days, with various personal responsibilities I have, I try and time-manage my full week, squeezing in time `for myself` if I can. 

With "notching-up" another year this last week, it`s made me feel grateful for what I have compared to so many in the world, particularly remembering all those in Ukraine. I have absolute admiration for President Zelensky, who has always shown tremendous leadership, but who had to endure the thuggery of Trump and his side-kick Vance this last week. With the Russians grinning from ear to ear, Trump and Musk already destroying democracy in the US, we are now in different are far more dangerous times. I am grateful for my family, friends, all those in my church and at WWT, my "second home" when I can get there, and all those I meet. Grateful too for this soggy-old but beautiful country we also call home.

I might be beginning to feel my age a bit, but while the joints are still working i`ll be out and about when I can, balancing a bit of time to allow for my volunteering too. Speaking of which, come June i`ll have been a volunteer for 20 years (another "where did the time go?" moment), but i`m just so grateful for that opportunity too.

So onward and upward into another birthday-year. I still have all those untouched New Year resolutions from the last few years, the plan to "definitely get back to art" promise yet to be started, a number of photography projects to take forward, plus some responsibilities for fund-raising to take forward. Just need bags of time.

Speak soon.