Wednesday 29 March 2023

Otter sightings


There have been a number of good Otter sightings recently at WWT Llanelli, where I volunteer on the Reserve, but it was only on Monday that I managed to finally catch up on one of them myself. It was late morning, and there were some lovely colours reflecting off the calm water. The Otter put in a brief appearance, at a distance (this is a cropped image), and then melted away underwater and around a corner of the ponds, not to be seen again.

We currently have at least three Otter, possibly four, from a known family, and there is a possibility of more across what is a large site.

Like a lot of wildlife, Otters are easily disturbed and can be pushed away from their territory if they feel threatened. It`s important therefore to be quiet and still if you come across them.

If you are going out hoping to see Otters, your chances are increased by being cautious, and of course wearing `muted colours` rather than bright clothing. Look out for evidence Otter by keeping an eye out for their spraint (droppings), often left in prominent places near access to water etc  ( , or their prints in soft mud.