I`m a bit late updating this, but thanks to all those who came on the walk last Saturday at WWT Llanelli. It was good to have so many support it (26 this time), and although it turned into typical walk weather, it was good to have time together again. We did however see some Spotted Redshank in a brief 10 minute visit to the British Steel hide.
The next walk will be on Saturday 17th February * .
This last week the weather has been pretty awful, so looking forward to one or two breaks in the conditions to do some photography again. The bag hide will be back out again soon.
Unfortunately I was unable to do my "storm photography" for both storms Isha and Jocelyn (I normally head to Porthcawl), but hoping to track down some specific winter birds over the next few days before they move again before spring.
I mentioned briefly before that I might be selling some equipment soon. I haven`t got around to listing or photographing things yet, but I would intend to sell `locally` in order to prevent the risk of anything happening while being shipped, and of course keep those additional costs off any selling price. Keep watching if interested.
* Keep an eye on the WWT Llanelli website and this blog to confirm closer to the date.