2023 was a bit of a difficult year, and a lot less photography took place than what I had hoped to have done. So it is time to make some plans, scratch away at some projects, and generally put together some positive goals for 2024.
Very soon I will be selling some speedlites, umbrellas, stands, AA recharge units, etc (locally, to avoid postage costs) - if interested, keep an eye on here in the new future.
Somebody asked me about the next Walk on New Year`s Day - it is fixed for Saturday 20th January, and I hope to be there as usual.
I use `Remember the milk` for my To Do / Tasks list, already `full` from the stuff I didn`t strt in 2023. New sections have been created for my `definately to do` things (whether I will or not is yet to be seen).
Within those rolling goals is my yet to be started return to watercolour painting, and - if I could find a venue - a return to life drawing too.
Also a possible new venture into drones, more video work, landscape photography, new web design ......... it goes on.
Watch this space.