Sunday, 31 March 2024

Happy Easter


It`s Easter Sunday morning, and would just like to wish you a happy Easter day. 

It`s been a week or so more or less away from the camera, my only venture out being yesterday down to Ginst, which turned out to be just a few hours, and then, very very quiet.

So back at WWT, what have I missed? The single Great Crested Grebe is still hoping it`s mate will turn up, bless it. Time is ticking on a bit now. Let`s hope it will settle for breeding soon. 

Other things have been Kingfisher pairs finding their territories, the Pallid Harrier being occasionally seen still from the British Steel hide, the otters showing on occasions, and more recently a Little Gull being viewed from the Boardwalk hide. Lots more too, so plenty happening.

I`m looking forward to the next Walk, having missed the last one. It is due to take place on Saturday 20th April, but keep an eye on their website just in case there are any changes.

Happy Easter Day to you all.