Friday, 1 March 2024

Social media - do I, don`t I?


I`ve toyed with this question before, maybe a year or two ago, wondering whether to pull the plug on my social media. 

Twitter, or `X` as it`s now known, is all over the place these days, and there seems to be a surge in being tagged in to posts from dodgy accounts. I`ve spent more time blocking people than actually posting, and i`m not sure whether some posts even get seen.

Facebook on the other hand I still find useful at times, so have still continued with it so far, but I really don`t know.  And as for LinkedIN, the "professionals" network where I continue to post occasionally, I find it has become a bit of a back-patting arena - bordering on the typical posts of "influencers". Again, i`m in one of my "mulling over" times when i`m not sure whether to continue.

The current benefits to me of social media is that it has (potentially) the biggest reach audience-wise compared to running a website, and of course they are free. They are of course a great way of communicating news straight to peoples` phones, tablets etc wherever they might be, so it looks as though to Pros and Cons arguments I have with myself leave me with the thinking it`s best to carry on with them - yet again! 

So with that in mind, I might look at my as yet un-started New Years resolutions / projects list and plan some time to achieve them - of course, posting updates on social media, now that i`ve convinced myself yet again to plod on.

So in the meantime Facebook, Elon`s X and LinkedIN look likely to stay. 😐. 

Happy St.David`s Day folks. 👍