Friday 24 February 2023

The elusive Willow Tit

I haven`t had much time to be out and about, but I managed to get some time at WWT Llanelli this week (dodging the muddy and noisy half-term activities). 

Walking along the Northern loop, it was good to come across a pair of Willow Tit, a species that has eluded me for years (although i`ve heard them).  I pretty sure there were three, but not 100%.

Although they can appear very similar to a Marsh Tit, it was good to finally get these chaps on camera. They are now a `Red List` bird, in decline, so the WWT are putting up a number of extra Willow Tit boxes to help encourage breeding.

While I was there, it was a shame to see some people walking over roped off paths into `Wildlife & Staff only ` areas, which helped to protect breeding areas. This includes paths in sight of the Kingfisher bank. This is a critical time of year, the weeks leading up to spring, and certain birds (including any possible Kingfisher) will be off elsewhere if disturbed or feel threatened by seeing someone standing in the open. This was the case in a previous year, the result being birds, including Kingfisher, failed to breed.

I hope the Willow Tit do breed this year, the chances of which would improve if people stay out of the areas for authorised staff and volunteers only.