Sunday 1 January 2023

Happy New Year!


January 1st, 2023:

It`s the start of another new year, and i`ll be at WWT Llanelli today, not for photography, but to help with their New Year`s day event.

Looking  forward to seeing what will be around today, and perhaps bumping into some old friends that I haven`t met probably for quite some time.

I didn`t make `midnight` last night, always preferring to be up early rather than struggle to keep my eyes open late at night for the sake of it. So staying up to see in a new year is a bit of a challenge, but I gave in last night and curled up while everyone else in the country was probably partying!

So another year is starting off with volunteering at WWT again, in what will be my 18th year.  

Whatever you are doing, a happy new year to you.

Best wishes.