Sunday 8 January 2023

strange start to the year

It`s been a mixture of bad weather and still feeling a bit rough post-covid during this first week of the new year. My one venture out with the camera during the week wasn`t very productive at all.

I went to Llanrhidian on the North Gower coastline to try and photograph the Hen Harriers that are there for the winter, but the few glimpses were way out (even long-distance with a telescope), and it was just one of those days. Having had a Hen Harrier so close to me on New years day, when I DIDN`T have a camera with me, it`s been a frustrating one.

This Hen Harrier was taken just over a year ago at an undisclosed location closer to home. The birds are persecuted, particularly during the breeding season up on the moors, and we are fortunate to have them on the coastal marshes during the winter.

Apart from feeling pretty rough still, i`ve continued making a few plans that I hope to get round to and achieve in the coming year.

So not much of a diary blog entry, but here`s to a more productive month ahead (fingers crossed)